The intensely sensitive psychological material you are coming up with rubs the wrong way, upsetting your own value system.Īn intense time, during which your need for inner growth and change may not agree with how you feel, your current value system. You may not appreciate how others insist on getting personal, or your own prying and inner diggings may not be enjoyed. This could be a permanent change that leaves you appreciating only the essential and lasting things. Stand by to cut loose a lot of dead wood, in particular as regards what you appreciate and value - your value system. Concentrating and getting down to really essential ideas are facilitated during this time period. Your mental energies (ideas, thoughts, and so on) may undergo some transformation or change, a natural sense of growth and development. A tendency to probe and analyze may not fit in with your normal way of thinking. You may be unable to put some of your insecurity and sense of change into words, to communicate them. Ideas and communication in general may tend to be superficial, deliberately avoiding anything of substance or controversy.Ī crazy time when you may feel under a lot of mental pressure. Searching, research, detective work, and such.Ī time when your inner and personal thoughts and experiences cannot be put into words, or had best not be. However, you will be intensely examining ideas, thoughts, and concepts with an eye to getting rid of unwanted dross. If you think that you might lose your mind under the current mental pressure, probably not. You are able to dispense with some of the unessentials and develop what is most basic and true in your environment.

Your support system (family, home, those who give you nourishment) becomes more secure. Someone may be unable or unwilling to support your feelings. You could be unable to share all the changes you may be experiencing with those around you. Sensitive matters of extreme vulnerability may tend to intrude on your home life and environment. Others may resent your persistent prying and digging, and confrontations can be expected. Your tendency to analyze, to probe, and generally to get at the heart of things finds itself at loggerheads with your living and support system. You may draw a whole new environment around you after boiling down the current situation to the bare essentials. Also, a special relationship with an authority figure or teacher.Ī time of great change and evolution, in particular regarding your home life and surroundings - your support system. You are able to cut through a lot that is unessential and get on with the real work. You could receive some help in the form of a real drive towards realizing your inner self and your life ambitions. Questions of vulnerability and insecurity may hound you, trying to force you off your slated path. Your ambitions and basic life direction could be challenged.Ī time when your basic life direction and sense of purpose may be tested by sensitive and very personal matters. Your need for constant inner change and growth may end up setting you back as much as it helps. Power struggles, with authorities in particular, can be one sign of this aspect. A time of very hard work, cutting through appearances down to the quick. A deep and lasting change in your ambition and life goals could evolve. You almost transfix those who meet you with your fixedness and sense of power.Īn ultra-intense time, during which you may eliminate a lot that is superficial and unessential in your life. You express great intensity and passion in the way you appear and express yourself to others.

A time to get down to basics and strip away all that is nonessential. Home and job come under intense scrutiny and pressure as you find yourself digging into everything that is most personal and private about yourself. A time of real inner growth through other people, the social life. In fact, they are capable of transforming you at the most basic level. Your relationships (partnerships, lovers) are now very intense and ever so personal. You will develop a more direct method of communication, getting to the very heart of things.

You may find yourself becoming intensely personal and passionate in the way you appear or come on to others. Pluto Transits Birth Chart and Natal Planets