I’m good with this development – it fits with the Kokkoku mythology, and sets up a really beautiful ending. Then it happens… And yes, it does come out of the blue. She tries various tricks to fool her mind into caring – getting drunk, going to the city and seeing the sights – but really, these are all just variations on a theme. This may most literally be limbo, but in a very real sense this existence is a kind of Hell – and as Juri-san says, once the baby is gone there’s really nothing keeping her in this world. Because of the way these scenes are directed it’s easy to imagine yourself in her place and wonder how you’d react in a similar situation.

You just don’t get material like what follows in anime much – Juri’s time alone in Stasis is brilliantly portrayed. For her to send him back in his sleep after promising to let him choose his moment was cruel – for her to send the baby back without prevaricating even knowing the existential cost to herself was an act of great courage. She’s not going to allow Jii-san to share her fate when he doesn’t have to – they both know it, and it’s only a question of timing. Perhaps even to the point of being rash and too unsentimental – but damn, when she decides something needs to be done, she does it. What really strikes me here is how strong a young woman Juri is. Anzai-san is a bit of an under-the-radar seiyuu (as famous for playing boys as anything) but she’s going to be in the running for best seiyuu performance of the year for her work in Kokkoku. Yamaji Kazuhiro and Anzai Chika are really great – the whole cast is, pretty much, but these two really stand out this week. These scenes between the two of them are fantastic, and the time spend inside Juri’s faltering consciousness is the best part of the episode. But it’s clear that the baby and Jii-san are the only things keeping Juri tethered to her existence – and that Grandpa is going to be going back at some point. Once everyone else has been evicted, Juri and Grandpa decide to keep the baby inside until he can “keep his head up”, just to be certain he’s strong enough to withstand Juri’s power. And second, Stasis will act as a sort of quarantine for Sagawa-kun – just in case something proves off with him as he develops. Not a lot of time is spent on this, but I ascribe it to two factors – first, the fact that it’s going to be very lonely in there. What’s interesting is that Juri and Jii-san decide to keep him with them in Stasis, at least initially. It never seemed possible that the Yuzawa would allow him to be killed, even if Shiemi-san argued in favor – and Shouko’s reasoning for why it might not be necessary was persuasive enough. It begins as last week’s finished, concerned with the fate of the Sagawa baby. We’ll loop back to that, however, because there was plenty in the rest of the episode that was worth talking about. More substantively, the ending made sense in context of the mythology – though I won’t deny it might have been a bit too convenient (or at least left a little too late). First of all, the Founder’s “wife” (though more correctly the actual founder) was in fact part of the first episode of Kokkoku (though I admit I did forget that) so technically this wasn’t a DeM. I will admit, the last five minutes of the episode did make me think that for just a moment, but I’m going to argue that isn’t what we had here. Let’s tackle the elephant in the room before we go any further, though, because those three dreaded Latin words are being uttered about what I consider an excellent finale – “Deus ex Machina”. It also marks a stellar debut for Geno Studio, who obviously didn’t have a huge budget here but managed a production that was outstanding in every other way (which is a good sign for Golden Kamuy, arguably the most anticipated show of 2018 – though sadly that was just announced as a one-cour series). I did have Kokkoku pegged as a sleeper going into the season, but it exceeded my expectations by a comfortable margin.

Kokkoku moment by moment anime series#
Juri herself will discover the secrets behind the stone and Statis itself, as they slowly unfold right before her.While a series you expect to be great turning out great is, well… great, there’s a special satisfaction in a series you had modest expectations for doing so. Though when they venture through the Statis to infiltrate the cult's hideout, they met with other people who can move through the strange world as well as strange grotesque monsters living in it.

When her brother and nephew are suddenly kidnapped by a cult named the " True Love Society", her grandfather used a special stone in order for her and her father to enter a world called Statis where time stopped still. Juri Yukawa was a young mischievous girl living with her family, but unknown to her that her family holds a secret on stopping time.